Sari Nusseibeh's latest book is very much a Patrician's autobiographical recollections.
Makes one think of Nabokov's "Speak Memory" , only with a (East) Jerusalem spicy flavour...
Sari Nusseibeh's latest book is very much a Patrician's autobiographical recollections.
Makes one think of Nabokov's "Speak Memory" , only with a (East) Jerusalem spicy flavour...
After audio-books and e-books the ultimate multimedia book, "Flatland" by Patricia Portela.
A performance last night at the Al Kassaba Theater in Ramallah.
Do google 'flatland + portela ' and find for yourself.
A live performance of Contemporary Dance at the Cultural Palace, Ramallah .
When did modern dance started to sell itself to Madonna-style antics?