Saturday, February 18, 2006

Walt Whitman

Paris en vaut bien une messe...

A Secular Church to Literature...

In recent unique trip to Paris (one does not expect more than one honeymoon in one's life) I took Malinkarusskaya to the "Shakespeare & Co" bookshop, gorgeously situated in front of the Notre-Dame. When the high-tech 1000 square-meters FNAC-like supermarkets of books will swipe away all the small bookshops with the old smell and atmosphere I'm sure "Shakespeare & Co" will be the last bastion...
They have a very developed Russian Section now, both in English and in (bloody Cyrillic) Russian. A fact totally unrelated with the 90% Russian population of next door's brasseries..
This bookshop has been talked about (Joyce's first publishing of Ulysses, blablabla) and photographed so much that I tried to get an original look. Please go to next post, thank you.

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