Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Frederico Torrentera

Larger than life biography....

I really liked this book, a biography of a XVII century multi-faceted genius, Frederico Torrentera. A Castillian hero who had the courage to go against accepted truths (regarding pleasure, Faith or the colonization of the American Indies). I had never heard about him before, I must confess, although there was a exhibition on his life and works a couple of years ago in France. When I returned home I rushed to Google to find more about the man. Nothing! Only the Cauvin book and the Cauvin-organized exhibition! He really got me... A pure fictional biography that one wants to believe that it's about a real life person. Now I've spoilt the surprise for the Right Honourable Reader. A mean vendetta against Mr Patrick Cauvin for having fooled me.

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