Pasarela Cibeles: the Dictatorship of the Famous for being Famous...

Healthy BMI at Madrid's Fashion Show
Thanks to my fratello I found myseld yesterday escorting three exceedingly elegant ladies to the shows of Lydia Delgado and Victorio & Lucchino at the Madrid Fashion Show, the "Pasarela Cibeles". The Body Mass Index was of course on everybody's minds, but I am happy to report to the Right Honourable Reader that the junk food-indulgers have not quite yet taken the catwalk by storm. Even if the white collants Ms Delgado made her models wear were punishing for otherwise stunning legs, all models had the acceptable waifness... Anorexia and bulymia are of course worries a father of two daughters can relate to, but obesity is a statistically much more serious problem in our societies... When obese candidates to public jobs will be refused work after having been measured and BMI-evaluated, on the grounds of the need to give young people the right sort of model image, I will take seriously the politico-medical correctness at Pasarela Cibeles...
I got the impression, from my very moderate experience and knowledge of Fashion Shows (only ever been to London, Madrid and Moscow Fashion Shows and for a very small number of times) that clothes are more and more just a side-kick to the real industry at work here: the tabloid press, the "prensa del corazón" .
The photographers have a pseudo-cool rude f..*%&$-all debonnaire attitude towards their targets. They jump with fake deference, photoshooting from the hip, at the sight of news material. Tabloid celebrities do not behave much better. On a theatrical play or a classical music concert, say, one would not be taken to the front seats once the performance has started. Yesterday, some late arrival, famous for being famous (which means TV visage recognition) got to her seat when the show was truly going on.

In the end of it all, my companions - NewGirlOnTheBlock, PaulinaBorghese and La Abogada - and this blogger of yours, exchanged some words with Mr. Lucchino (one half of the Victorio & Lucchino fashion house) . As a true Sevillian he has a charm and brilliance only Andalucia can produce.
Clothes were very nice too.
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